Springdale Estates is a planned residential community in Mahoning Township, Carbon County. Development on the 21.9 acre site consists of twenty residential units with a public water supply and community sewage collection and treatment system with stream discharge of treated effluent. Proposed development includes construction of sixty additional residential units.
The existing wastewater treatment plant is over 25 years old. The treatment capacity of 12,600 gallons per day is inadequate for the proposed development and the existing wet weather infiltration and inflow in the sewage collection system. Also the classification of the receiving stream has been updated to exceptional value special protection waters.
Permitting and design, including socio-economic studies justifying discharge of treated sewage effluent to special protection waters, has been completed for a new expanded treatment plant. The treatment plant capacity will be 30,000 gallons per day and biological treatment will include nitrification, nitrogen removal and phosphorus reduction in addition to BOD and suspended solids removal. Effluent disinfection is accomplished in a ultraviolet light chamber.