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Geotechnical Services

Geotechnical Services

Through our extensive municipal engineering and subdivision/land development experience, we are well-equipped to use our previous knowledge of local area soil and geologic conditions to provide cost effective investigations and recommendations for any type of development, land use, or restoration project. Our team of geotechnical engineers and geologists has the technical capability to provide creative, practical, and sound recommendations suited to your budget.



Mifflinburg Area School District – Former Laurelton Elementary School

A release occurred from an unregulated 10,000-gallon petroleum underground storage tank (UST) impacted soils, groundwater, and an adjacent stream. The remedial action consisted of excavation of the source area and

Kline’s Service Station

During a routine operations inspection, petroleum vapors and free product were identified in the submersible pump manway of a 4,000-gallon unleaded gasoline underground storage tank (UST). Further investigation revealed a

Cowden’s Family Market

A catastrophic release of approximately 2,323 gallons of unleaded gasoline occurred from a 6,000-gallon unleaded gasoline underground storage tank (UST). Interim remedial actions consisted of removal of UST and minimal

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