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Newly Elected Municipal Officials

Newly Elected Municipal Officials

With the year winding down, the new year brings newly elected municipal officials to the table.  This public service is vital to the growth of a community, as well as individual gratification for making a commitment to participate in important local government decisions.  Here at Keystone Consulting Engineers, we pride ourselves as a premier municipal engineering firm.   Whether a Township or a Borough government, two knowledge-packed resources for supervisors and council members are the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Officials (PSATS) and the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB).  They are both just a phone call away to answer any question that comes along the way, which makes them very popular among officials state-wide.  Two valuable subscriptions for your members are the “Township News” and the “Borough News” magazines.  Beginning this month, PSATS will be sponsoring the 2018 Boot Camp.  The initial training sessions will introduce them to their responsibilities and prepare them for their first meeting when they take office at reorganization in January.  More in-depth and comprehensive training regarding rules and laws that govern the townships and boroughs will be available once they have been sworn in.  Any training provided by both associations is always very valuable and all encompassing.  Classes are also offered to municipal secretaries and managers, as well.  If you are a town of 600 people or 10,000 people, the same laws apply and those laws can change on a consistent basis, so training is important for everyone.  Visit the Associations at or to keep on top of the latest news, legislation, training opportunities and services.  To read the full article, click here.

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