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Pinpoint Federal Credit Union

Pinpoint Federal Credit Union

Soil and groundwater were impacted by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including chlorinated solvents and petroleum compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and heavy metals. The property was a steel mill from the late 1800s through 1946, when a clothing dyeing and finishing plant began operations. The property was razed in 2016.

Characterization activities included the installation of soil borings, shallow unconsolidated monitoring wells, and deep bedrock monitoring wells. Soil, groundwater, and surface water samples were collected.

During site characterization activities, the property was designated in a Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ), thereby qualifying the Site as an Act 2 Special Industrial Area.

Remediation measures included the removal of an 8,000-gallon unregulated underground storage tank (UST), onsite treatment of contaminated surface water and monitoring well development/purge water, capping of soil, and the use of an environmental covenanting eliminating onsite soil and groundwater exposure pathways.

A Baseline Remedial Investigation Work Plan, Baseline Environmental Report, Consent Order and Agreement for Special Industrial Areas, and Environmental Covenant were prepared, and liability relief was granted by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Milton Borough, Northumberland County

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